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Casey Cromwell

My story is pretty simple. Girl loves food. Food stops loving girl. And, after months of acid reflux, nausea, weight loss and other symptoms, my doctor called with the diagnosis: celiac.

I started eating gluten free the week of my senior prom and despite the hospitalization, weight loss and social awkwardness that have followed, I haven't looked back since!

The story behind my blog is a little more complicated. When I was diagnosed, I knew that more than my diet had to change. I had to find a way to cope with losing part of my teenage identity: social eating. This blog is my therapy, my support system for all kids with allergies or celiac disease, and a peek inside the world of a gluten free college student.

write about life, celiac, food reviews, restaurants, and - coming soon - the recipes that are causing a flour explosion in my kitchen! I am an (obnoxious) advocate for celiac disease, college student rights, and living with food allergies and I love to connect with others dealing with similar issues. Hit me up on TwitterInstagramPinterestLinked-In, or through my blog!