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My name is Fallon and I am just a girl from the North loving life in the South.  On this site I share with you; tasty recipes, fun workouts, simple DIY projects, and family stories.

How did all of this happen?
A few years ago I was an enthusiastic Stony Brook University college graduate who was eager to begin a career in teaching! Two years later and still jobless I decided I had to make a change and applied for jobs out of state. It was terrifying and exciting at the same time! A real life roller coaster.

I landed a job in Virginia and moved down south. Being a first year teacher is rough. I had little time for a personal life. Grade tests, make PowerPoints, sleep, repeat! After I had a year under my belt though, I was ready for more. In comes Matt. Don’t tell anyone, but we met online! Shh! It’s our secret. ;)

Matt is my husband and is the love of my life. He loves me, makes me laugh, and supports me through my successes and failures. He also is my spell checker and official food taster. All recipes on this site are Matt approved and that’s saying a lot because he is a very honest critic which I will admit, gets him in trouble sometimes. Did I mention I am a NY girl?

Matt and I do not live alone. We share our home with two adorable, and energetic boston terriers. Gatsby is my sweet loving boy and Belle is my determined snugly girl. Life is great!

So I came around to blogging because…


Somewhere between the move, the job, the husband, and the bagel experience, I became more confident in myself and more willing try new things. At my husband’s birthday, a friend recommended that I start a blog, and so I did. That night I sat down with my computer and began North Loves South!

Thanks for checking out North Loves South. I hope you enjoy what you find. :D