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Jen Thoden

I am a color style coach, runner, blogger, personal stylist, entrepreneur, loud laugher and mom-of-the-year (not). I love sharing what I'm passionate about. My most popular blog is where I help women discover their perfect colors through my patented color system "Your Color Style". You'll also discover outfit ideas, inspiration, color lessons and so much more.  

I also have my personal blog ( where I write about blogging, my life and other random stuff like... divorce, losing a child, fashion, relationships and running.  

My Personal Story

I have 2 children who are 15 and 17. I am a sort-of step-mom to a 13 year old. I am divorced and in a fabulous relationship for the past 5 years. We're not married... yet. :-)

I had a third child, Kelley, who died of cancer when she was 9. That was 10 years ago. She was my oldest and we fought hard with chemo and surgeries for 2 years. Cancer sucks. Period.

My life has been rich with severe highs and lows. I feel like I've been through a dark maze and have finally found the exit. Life is good. I have a successful online business, my own products, an amazing partner and family... I love my life.