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I'm Kate, a trained Psychotherapist now doing Confidence & Mindset Coaching with women in business. I help women create a mindset for success by supporting you in:

// Leaving your comfort zone and stepping into your “zone of genius”
// Setting boundaries and LOVING your life and business again
// Saying goodbye to the fear and scarcity mindset, and accepting abundance as your natural birthright
// Showing up confidently in all areas of your life and business
// Stretching and growing your faith, and evolving into the person you’re meant to be
// And lastly, speaking effortlessly about your services, easily enrolling clients in your programs, and seeing cash come in

A personal side of me: I've been married for three years, but have known my hubs since we were 15 years old. We adopted a rescue puppy last February who we are absolutely in LOVE with. I'm a very extraverted person (ENFJ), but need quite a bit of alone time to dream, process, and be still in my thoughts. I love to read, bake, cook, and watch Fixer Upper (pretty much the only tv I will watch)! And I've actually done quite a few home renos with the hubs over the past few years!