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I sort of hate "About Me" statements.  How can I fit everything I need to say into a small blurb?  I can't possibly be expected to sum myself up in just a few words.  Brevity has never been my strong suit.  I guess I can at least make an attempt.  I'm a trained journalist.  I work professionally as a media researcher, stalking newspapers staffers and watching that world I love crumble and rebuild and reinvent.  I work non-professionally as a mom and new-ish wife.  I say work because while ever rewarding, motherhood and wife-dom should definitely be consider a job.  In fact, I'm considering asking my husband for some sort of pay raise. 


I'm a dog lover.  I'd live on a farm full of puppies if I could.  I love food.  I'm not talking five-star dining experiences.  Comfort food.  Junk food.  Lousy day food.  And food that reminds me of my family or important events or things that make me happy.  My ultimate goal is to make a Lane Cake, since it reminds me of my absolute favorite book. I'll give five dollars to anyone who can guess what that is!  In the meantime, I'm just sort of plugging through life, writing when I can and trying to start myself up a little food blog.  As is the case with most creatives, I've got about a few different pans on the fryer.  Let's just hope I can keep things straight and not burn anything in the process!


I'd love to be able to connect with other journalists/writers/bloggers/creatives/funny people both in the D.C. area and not.  I love to see how other people work and function and live by writing.  Drop me a line!