My name is Maryann. I'm a registered dietitian with 13 years of experience. Before having kids of my own, I worked with overweight clients whose eating habits could almost always be traced back to their childhood. When I become a mother myself, I was determined to prevent eating issues from arising in my daughter. After talking to other moms, it was clear that they weren't getting the same vital information I had learned about. So I dedicated myself to helping moms feed their kids – and themselves – well. I created to give moms access to the most credible nutrition information. There are three essential components to raising healthy eaters and when one is missing, success is less likely. I cover each of these topics on my blog - the "what" of feeding, the "how" of feeding and guilt-free ways moms can become positive role models for their children. I run my blog from my home in San Diego. I enjoy running, reading, writing and spending time with my family and friends.