Shweta Patel
In the late hours of this post call morning, I decided to embark on the newest chapter of my professional life- A women's health blog!
For those of you who don't know me, a little background:
I am a obstetrician and gynecologist groomed by the U.S Navy. I have now been practicing as an attending for over 4 years and absolutely love my job. I also just recently moved back to D.C ( from a small town in NC called Jacksonville- more to come on that later) and realized the commonality between the big city and country female population. Everyone is not as in the loop about their health as they should be despite the [overwhelming] plethora of social media/ et al out there. And the information that is available can be confusing, over or under simplified and sometimes completely inaccurate all together.
In light of the aforementioned, consider this blog site an informational refuge (of the medically accurate and remarkably non-mundane variety). I will be posting a lot of useful and reader friendly excerpts pertaining to women's health including contraception, sexual health, pregnancy, and health maintenance. This will also be sprinkled with a healthy dose of more inviting topics ( fitness, nutrition and weight loss) and a dash of my personal experiences with wellness products ( workout gadgets, skin and hair care, diet supplements etc) to taste.
Thanks for reading this far and stay tuned for more!!
Stories From Shweta Patel
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