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Why flirting is OK even if you’re not single

You may have read the title and gasped, thinking flirting is a form of emotional cheating when married or in a relationship. But a little harmless flirting with others once in a while can actually be good for your relationship! Harmless or playful flirting means no intentions, emotions or consequences involved. Read on for reasons to flirt even if you’re married or in a long-term relationship.

Flirting boosts your confidence

One obvious reason to flirt is that it’s an instant ego boost. When you see a good-looking guy in the elevator, offering him a smile and getting a smile in return is a simple way to flirt and instantly make you stand a little taller. Dressed up and going out with your girlfriends? If the cutie at the lounge checks you out and you smile or check him out in return (looking, no touching!), there’s no harm in it. When you feel more desirable, your sexy confidence shines through, and your boyfriend or husband will notice.

Flirting strengthens your connection

If you can flirt innocently with a stranger yet desire only your partner, you know that all the eye candy in the world isn’t as great as your boyfriend or husband. Innocent flirting with no intent for more will strengthen your desire for your partner, possibly causing you to flirt with him more! Flirting with your partner improves both your self-esteem and his.

Flirting reminds him that you’re desirable to others

The next time you’re out with your partner at a social gathering and he catches a guy checking you out or a stranger chatting you up, don’t fret! Of course flirting isn’t meant to manipulate, but a little concrete reminder of just how fabulous and sexy you are won’t hurt either of you!

Flirting rekindles that spark

When you flirt with others, you’re reminded not only of how desirable you are, but also of how attracted you were to your partner when you first met, since your relationship probably included some flirting in its early stages. Flirting with your partner again will help rekindle that spark, especially if you’ve been together for many years.

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