Parenting can be a tough, exhausting job. It’s important to take time out for yourself to reduce stress and avoid burnout. As a single mom, it can be difficult to carve out some “me time” in your life, but it’s not impossible.
Team up with other moms
Find a couple other moms in your area with kids of similar ages. Make it a plan to swap babysitting duties a few times a week to give each other a break. Sure, there will be one day a week where you are responsible for a few extra kids, but you’ll also be able to find some much needed free time.
Consider hiring a mother’s helper
Few of us can afford a live-in nanny, but having someone come in to watch your kids for a couple afternoons a week may be worth the cost for your family. It will give you a break so that you can relax, rejuvenate your mind and recharge your batteries. A mother’s helper is an affordable option that is worth consideration.
Get organized
When it comes to cooking, cleaning and household duties, many times these obligations take longer than they should because of lack of organization. Learn how to make meals in 30 minutes or less and plan out a week’s worth of meals ahead of time. Utilize storage containers, shelving and other organizing tools to keep your house clutter-free. Try washing a load of laundry every evening, instead of letting it build up all week.
Wake up earlier
It sounds awful, but it’s really easier than you think. By setting your alarm just 30 minutes earlier than you usually do, you can find time to meditate, take a bubble bath or veg out and watch bad TV for a half hour.
Why me time is important
Long-term, chronic stress can be very damaging to your health. Stress can lead to emotional issues including poor self image and depression. It can also contribute to weight gain, insomnia and premature aging. Additionally, a stressful life can cause physical health problems, ranging from gastrointestinal issues to high blood pressure. Stress can increase your chances for heart attack and stroke, while also worsening illnesses and diseases like diabetes and cancer.
Me time gives you the break you need so that you don’t succumb to stress overload. Time for yourself can zap all your creativity and reduce your ability to focus. Taking even 15 minutes a day to concentrate on you and only you can allow you to reduce stress, avoid burnout, improve concentration and increase imagination.
Handling your kids on your own is exhausting. Give yourself the break you need by carving out a little me time in your life. You’ll be happier and healthier, and ultimately a better mother to your children.
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Why “me time” is essential for your health
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