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Would you try Salty Watermelon Pepsi?

Cherry-flavored cola has been around for many years and is always a popular vending machine choice, but Pepsi Japan’s newest fruit-flavored creation may have you thinking twice.

New Pepsi flavor: Fruity and salty

Cherry-flavored cola has been around for many years and is always a popular vending machine choice, but Pepsi Japan’s newest fruit-flavored creation may have you thinking twice.

Salty soda

For those Pepsi purists who won’t even let their lips touch Coca-Cola, this may be a bit much. Pepsi Japan will soon unveil their newest flavor: Salty Watermelon. This flavor might sound a bit odd to us, but probably not to those in Japan where it is common practice to eat watermelon sprinkled with salt. The salt apparently brings out the flavor of the watermelon, but what will it do for the Pepsi?

Make your own homemade soda with fruit flavors >>

Other odd flavors

This isn’t Pepsi’s first flavor that might have you scratching your head. In the early 1990s, fruity flavors like Strawberry Burst, Tropical Chill and Raging Razzberry made short-lived appearances on grocery shelves. Holiday Spice popped up during the holidays for a few years but had no staying power. Other recent Pepsi Japan offerings have included Pepsi White, which is infused with yogurt, and Pepsi Pink, a strawberry milk concoction. One thing’s for sure: Pepsi Japan has no shortage of imagination when it comes to flavor combinations.

tell us

There’s no word on whether Salty Watermelon Pepsi will be offered in the United States, but if it is, will you give it a try?

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