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DIY spray-on, leave-in hair conditioner

A good hair conditioner is great for any time of year. As the summer sun sets and the fall begins, your hair might need some extra attention.

Help for dry hair

By the summer’s end, we could all use a little extra love for our hair. The sun, wind and surf (or chlorine) can leave hair looking less than healthy. Create your own DIY spray-on, leave-in conditioner for shiny locks that will be ready for the fall!

Jojoba oil is the main mix in this DIY conditioner. Used in many commercial hair care products, jojoba oil is a pure, natural plant extract. It’s been found to help strengthen and nourish hair, and to keep it from breaking. It also contains vitamin E and has both antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

The road to shiny hair

Note: If you are pregnant, you should not use essential oils. For facts and safety information of essential oils and aromatherapy, check out the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.

To store this mixture, a glass spray bottle is your best option. Keep the container in a cool and dark place until you’re ready to use it.

Set the spray bottle to the mist or spray setting and lightly spray over damp hair (and underneath, too, if you have long or thick hair).

DIY spray-on, leave-in hair conditioner

What you’ll need:

  • 1/4 cup jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Few drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil
  • Spray bottle, glass preferred


  1. Combine all the ingredients in the spray bottle and shake to mix.
  2. Lightly spray over damp hair and comb through.
  3. Tie your hair back in a ponytail or pull it back, and wait 20 minutes or so. Wash and style your hair as usual. (You could also leave this in overnight, washing it out in the morning, but it’s best to wrap it in a towel before heading to bed, as the oil can transfer to your pillow.)

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