You know plenty of people who have established a signature style; it’s what makes their look unforgettable. A signature style can focus on a particular piece (such as Anna Wintour’s sunglasses) or highlight a specific color. It can also be a certain hairstyle, a makeup look, a type of jewelry or an overall fashion theme (such as Mary Kate Olsen’s boho style).
When establishing your signature style, your focus should be something that reflects your personality and just feels like you. Don’t force yourself into a particular look — you must be comfortable and confident enough to pull it off.
What’s your signature look?
When trying to determine your signature look, take a look at your current wardrobe. Does a certain color or theme dominate? If you aren’t centering on a particular item, color or print, think about what fashion style you love and start embracing it. It could be classic and sophisticated, quirky and fun or somewhere in between.
Get inspired
Remember that your signature style shouldn’t feature a fad. You don’t want to have to change your signature look again next season. Flip through magazines and websites to get inspiration to develop your own personal style, but don’t just copy someone else’s look. Take ideas of what you like and establish your own signature style. Once you’ve settled on what your signature look should be, you have to make sure that you have the right clothes to pull it off.
Access your closet
To make it a true signature style, you have to wear your look consistently. Take inventory of your closet and see how the things you own will work into your signature look. Consider wearing pieces in a new or unusual way. If a garment or accessory just won’t fit in with your style, donate it. If necessary, shop for staple pieces and accessories that share characteristics with the look you are trying to achieve. Wear your signature look with confidence. Soon when everyone says, “She always looks fabulous,” they’ll be talking about you.
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