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Woohoo! ModCloth makes history with no-Photoshop pledge

Now here’s a trend we love to see! ModCloth, the fashion retailer whose wares you swoon over during your lunch break, has signed a pledge to be totally transparent about their Photoshopping practices.

The Heroes Pledge for Advertisers was started by advocates of the Truth in Advertising bill. By signing it, ModCloth has agreed to “do our best to not change the shape, size, proportion, colors and/or remove/enhance the physical features of the people in our ads in post-production.”

They have also pledged to make note of any major alterations with a “Truth in Advertising” label that describes the changes. Because, after all, fixing a few hair wispies and a wrinkle or two is one thing, but we can all pretty much agree getting crazy with the ‘shop tools is going out of style.

A post on the ModCloth blog calls the pledge “a courageous movement.”

“We have agreed to label images of models who have been Photoshopped because that’s what we all deserve,” the post reads. “To know the truth!”

Those who are fans of the brand (and really, who isn’t?) already know ModCloth features lots of so-called “real-looking” models of many shapes and colors, and they boast a pretty extensive plus-sized line as well. So their latest pledge just keeps the body-positive train rolling, and we hope other brands agree to jump on.

What other brands would you love to see take the no-Photoshop pledge?

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