Patience is a virtue but when it comes to waiting for your eyebrows to grow out, we want a jumpstart ASAP! If you have thin eyebrows, you understand. Whether you’ve simply overplucked a little, tweezed your brows beyond recognition, or have naturally thin and short brows, you can help your brows to get back in fighting form, and even do it while you sleep.
Just apply this cheap DIY serum before bed each night to encourage growth and strengthen brow hairs. You can apply this same serum to lashes too.
What you’ll need:
- Coconut oil
- Castor oil
- Vitamin E oil
- Q-tips
- Clean mascara wand
- Small storage container (you can use a clean contact case or empty eye cream jar)
- Clean plate or mixing palette (I used my Paw Palette)
Step 1:
Scoop out about 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil.
Step 2:
Now add 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin E oil and incorporate well with the coconut oil.
Step 3:
Add 1 teaspoon of castor oil and mix all 3 ingredients together.
Step 4:
Now dip a clean mascara wand or disposable wand into your mixture and brush through brows.
Step 5:
Here’s the easiest part of all — go to sleep! When you wake up in the morning, not only will your brows be soft and conditioned but they’ll be on their way to looking fuller! You could see results in as little as two weeks.
Brow Boosting Tip: For boosting your growth power, try running your Clarisonic over brows, or a gentle scrub, as it will stimulate hair growth and ensure hair follicles are clean and unplugged.
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