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8 Ways to groom your bikini area without hot, painful wax

Waxing isn’t for the faint of heart. Perhaps you’ve already “saddled up” and spread your legs on the esthetician’s table, only to be met with searing pain and bad results. Or, maybe you fall into another large category of women who just don’t want to put boiling wax anywhere near that region.

As a once-licensed esthetician with more than four years of hands-on vagina experience, I’m here to tell you that waxing isn’t for everyone. If you’ve tried it and hated it, there are still countless other ways to maintain your lady garden. If you’re too scared to rip off the Band-Aid, or rather, the hot wax strip, no one’s going to judge.

Try another hair removal option to trim the hedges without (too much) imminent pain: 

1. Clippers

Pubic hair trimmers are inexpensive and easy for beginners. Clippers are your best bet if you want to minimize hair without too much weeding.

More:Thank this woman later for her cautionary tale on bikini waxing

2. Depilatories

Over-the-counter hair removal creams can work… at your own risk. Make sure to test a small patch of hair first to check for a reaction. Never, ever use on highly sensitive skin.

3. Epilady

The Epilady has been going strong since 1986. Epilady explains, “Each machine on the market has tweezers that close at different points as the head spins.” This tweezer action is used to epilate, or pull hair out by the root. Newer models are much preferred to waxing and shaving and a far better choice than the former 1980s “medieval torture device,” according to one customer. (Amazon, $90)

4. Home electrolysis

Home electrolysis devices are enticing — they advertise “permanent and painless” results. But before you invest a major chunk of change, read customer reviews first. No matter what a product claims, total hair removal often requires multiple electrolysis treatments. (Amazon, $100)

More:10 Things you esthetician to know before your bikini wax

5. Laser hair removal

As a former laser hair removal technician, this option is my favorite by far. Just be warned that laser on the bikini area may be equally as painful as waxing and takes multiple sessions (an estimated 8-12) to see results. But there are a few big bonuses — laser is permanent and less likely to cause a reaction, compared to hot wax.

6. Natural hair dissolving products

Hair dissolving products made with natural ingredients are always worth a shot, especially if your bikini area is chemical-sensitive. Look for a product with calming ingredients like chamomile, tea tree oil and cane sugar. Typically, a product is heated and applied similar to wax with less potential for pain, though coarse hair may not respond well to natural treatments.

7. Sugaring

Sugaring is a delightful Middle Eastern-based waxing alternative that uses natural sugar paste to remove hair from the root — making it perfect for the ultra-sensitive bikini area. For a first timer, see an esthetician or another trained professional instead of trying a messy DIY kit at home.

More:Dear men: Here’s what we think about your hair

8. Shaving

Shaving has been and always will be a popular pubic hair removal option because it’s so darn easy. Make sure to go into battle prepared — armed with a sharp razor, shaving cream and aftercare aloe vera gel to prevent the dreaded razor burn.

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