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Teen makes her own stunning prom dress, sends inspiring message

Sometimes a dress stands out simply because it is beautiful. And sometimes, it stands out because the person who made said dress makes it shine with her inner beauty. That, in essence, is why the dress Kyemah McEntyre made herself and wore to her prom is so stunning.

Eighteen-year-old Kyemah McEntyre is a senior at Cecily Tyson School of Performing Arts in East Orange, New Jersey, so it would make sense that she’d have a knack for the creative. However, the dress that she ended up designing and creating herself goes several levels above creativity — it makes a bold statement about what effect she as an artist and a person wants to have on the world.

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Through her dress (and her Instagram page), she eloquently shows and tells her peers to embrace what makes them different and to not be afraid of going against stereotypes. In her own words, “Throughout the world, we have people who do not notice each others essence and humanity. We Stunt our collective spiritual growth by allowing assumptions and stereotypes to cloud our mind and thus our physical reality[…]I believe that in order for society to gain a wider horizon, we have to be willing to acknowledge other people from differences, beliefs, morals, and values (sic).” The result of Kyemah McEntyre embracing her roots and personal identity is the definition of beauty and grace.

https://<a href="" id="auto-tag_instagram_1" data-tag="instagram">instagram</a>.com/p/3oXCPtiEJv/
Naturally, she won prom (as well as the internet), and her date is now considered the luckiest senior on the planet. Kyemah has already been accepted to Parsons School of Design in the fall, arguably the best design school in the country, where she’ll no doubt make a huge splash. From there, I see her taking over the fashion world, one ridiculously fierce outfit at a time.

It’s quite something to see a girl elected prom queen who is so freaking beautiful on the inside and out, but that’s what makes these rare moments and people so wonderful. No doubt her insightful, heartfelt words will inspire others to follow suit.

“I would like to take this moment to say that you have to understand who you are because if you leave that space open, you leave your identity in the hands of society. Don’t let anyone define you. Beautiful things happen when you take pride in yourself.” You go, Kyemah. Can’t wait to see the great things you’re sure to do in this world.
MoreThe Mamafesto: The problem with policing what girls wear to prom

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