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Tyra Banks’ makeup free selfie is the one to check out (PHOTO)

Celebrities post makeup free selfies on a pretty regular basis, but no one has ever rocked one quite as hard as Tyra Banks. The model posted one this week that truly has no filter. And it should make us all feel better.

The photo is a perfect nod to the truth. That is: We don’t wake up looking like a million dollars. It takes a lot of work to get glamorous and dolled up. She’s still beautiful, of course. Because that is natural. But it’s not a glamorous look. See below:

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As Tyra said in her caption:

You know how people say #nofilter but you know there’s a freakin’ filter on their pic? Or maybe there’s a smidge of retouching going on but they’re lying and saying it’s all raw & real? Well, this morn, I decided to give you a taste of the really real me. I wanted to smooth out my dark circles so badly!!! But I was like, “Naw, Ty. Show ’em the REAL you.” So…here I am. Raw. And there YOU are…looking at me, studying this picture. Maybe you’re thinking, “Whoa, she looks ROUGH.” And if you are, great! You deserve to see the REAL me. The REALLY real me.

Beautiful, right?

Sometimes, the truth is more beautiful than the lies. I mean, of course Tyra looks amazing when she is at a red carpet event. And she looks fantastic all done up and perfected. But she also looks beautiful in the morning. We all do.

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That whole “no make up” thing is how I spend a majority of my life. I just don’t have time or reason to use it most days. Sure, I could look better with make up, but you know what? I am OK with not always looking perfect. It’s real. It’s honest. And somehow, seeing that Tyra wakes up looking pretty normal makes me feel a whole lot better.

Make up free selfies aren’t going to cure cancer. They aren’t going to save lives or help pull children out of poverty. But they do serve a purpose. They help real women (ie, women not in the spotlight) recognize the truth: We are all “real.” We all get zits. We all look pale. We all have dark undereye circles and morning breath and flyaways that never seem to quit.

And it’s OK. Beauty isn’t about make up and lighting and couture. It’s about us, open and naked in the world and sharing that with other. Real beauty. It’s a thing.

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