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5 Egg beauty treatments that will have you breaking up with store-bought skin care

Going through a breakup plays havoc with our heart and sense of self, particularly in the early stages when we’re unable to sleep, crying our eyes dry and focused on how rotten we feel versus how we look. Then comes that OMG moment when we look in the mirror and ask, “Who is that?” 

More: 5 Obvious warning signs your relationship is over

That’s the signal it’s time to “face” up, reach for an egg and begin your reboot! Why an egg? Because the old yolk is rich in seven vitamins including A (a strong anti-wrinkle agent), D, E, B-12 and K — all good for the body and skin — and minerals like potassium and calcium. The egg’s gooey white has natural astringents that help tighten, tone and firm, making the egg a self-packaged, all-in-one facial elixir!

Reach for that wondrous beauty aid and get crackin’!

Tips: Tie your hair back, since these treatments can be a little messy. Once you apply, sit back and chill. They may drip a bit as they dry!

Use the whole egg to tighten, tone and moisturize

This simple recipe gives a beautiful new meaning to ‘egg on your face’!

  • Wash face and neck thoroughly with warm water to open pores
  • Beat one egg until frothy
  • Apply to your face and neck avoiding your eyes and mouth
  • Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Remove with a warm damp washcloth

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Egg whites can firm skin and treat acne

Whites on their own have tons of astringent qualities. Lemon juice intensifies their effectiveness and kills bacteria that causes pimples and blackheads. Honey is a natural antiseptic, anti-bacterial and moisturizer. The result: firmer, smoother skin and less zits!

  • Wash your face thoroughly to open pores and then pat it dry
  • Beat one egg white and two teaspoons of lemon juice with a fork until frothy
  • Mix in 1/2 tablespoon of honey
  • Apply the mix to your face avoiding your eyes and mouth
  • Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with warm water

Lift eyelids with egg whites

Say goodnight to tired looking lids!

  • Clean your lids thoroughly and pat dry
  • Beat one egg white until it becomes frothy with a fork
  • Close your eyes and apply a coat along the crease of your eye with a Q-tip
  • Keep your eye closed until the egg white dries (you will feel some gentle pulling)
  • Remove the leftover egg with a warm damp cloth
  • Repeat if needed

Egg membranes can de-puff under your eyes and reduce wrinkles

The membrane, an overlooked part of this incredible beauty elixir, is chock full of skin-nourishing stuff like collagen and hyaluronic acid — which help to rejuvenate and replenish — reduce puffy eyes from too much crying, drinking and lack of sleep! Best yet, it costs much less then anything you’d buy in your favorite department or drug store!

  • Clean your under-eye thoroughly and pat dry
  • Remove the yolk and white
  • Carefully peel the membrane*
  • Apply immediately to the under-eye area
  • Avoid your eyes!!
  • Leave it on until your under-eye area feels like it’s being pulled (you don’t want to leave it on too long since your under-eye skin is very delicate, so err on the side of less time until you know how your eyes react)
  • Wash it off gently with warm water

*Since we are not egg surgeons, the membrane may be challenging to remove, so find a piece of the membrane you can get a grip on!

Yolks can moisturize, add shine and fight dandruff

Yolks are a terrific moisturizer and they contain sulfer which makes them an effective dandruff fighter! (BTW you can also use this treatment as a facial mask!)

  • Blend 1-2 yolks (depends on length and thickness of your hair) and ½ an avocado in a blender
  • Apply and leave on for 30 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water so egg doesn’t cook
  • Shampoo

More:How to get rid of bad feelings about your ex

Julie Edelman aka The Accidental Housewife helps us ‘clean up life’s meses’ in our home and now our heart  — a la “Boyfriend Cleanz’ — her personally inspired, life-changing community that brings humor, pathos and real life tips to help get us through and beyond a break-up with a boyfriend, spouse or partner and regain our sense of self ‘n sass via a Break-over. Not to mention sing your heart back ‘n smile again!

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