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Bad plastic surgery on celebrities: Priscilla Presley, Michael Jackson, Jocelyn Wildenstein and others!

In a town where looks are everything, Hollywood stars spend a pretty penny on cosmetic surgery to maintain or improve their appearance. Or so they think. Some celebs, like the ones featured below, come out of the plastic surgeon’s office looking more like horror flick villains than anything remotely human — let alone people to whose looks we are supposed to aspire. Here are a few of the worst “bad plastic surgery” victims/offenders, ranging from the terrifying to the too-tight to the just plain terrible.

Bad plastic surgery: Jocelyn Wildenstein

For a reported three million bucks, you’d think she’d look less like a lion! (Sadly, that was the point — her husband loved big game animals, and what better way to recapture your straying man than to make yourself look decidedly feline?)
Meet socialite/”Cat Woman”/plastic surgery devotee Jocelyn Wildenstein.

She used to be quite pretty, but now she’s giving the Bride of Frankenstein a good run for her money. (We can’t help but notice that she looks oddly masculine — especially compared to the guy below, who appears to be ten times the woman Jocelyn is.)

>> Next page: Pete Burns

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