Ski bunnies sound all kinds of cute so why is it that more often than not we hit the slopes looking like the dowdiest version of ourselves? Granted for skiing attire form has to follow at least one function (ahem, warmth) but that doesn’t mean you have to look like a neon marshmallow. Here are some tips to improve your skiing style.
Color is key
You know how you’ve heard over and over again that black is slimming? Well it’s no urban fashion myth – it’s true. And while black is the ultimate slimmer, same goes for colors on the darker end of the spectrum (i.e. navy, royal purple, etc). The insulated jackets and pants that keep you warm and dry will also add considerable girth, so keep them in basic dark colors to minimize the appearance of the extra bulk. As for those radioactive bright solids and (even worse!) prints, they may come in handy in an avalanche rescue situation but short of that they are doing you no favors – especially in the appearance department.That’s not to say that bright have no place in a chic skiing ensemble. Quite to the contrary bright accessories (scarves, gloves and hats) can look fabulous with basic-colored basics. The contrast gives your outfit a kick to it. Just be careful of being too matchy matchy – in this case there certainly is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
Functional beauty
Even if it’s freezing out it’s important to remember that the sun is still shining on you all day long so unless you want to be sporting that uber-attractive raccoon look, it’s high time to slather on the SPF. While foundation or moisturizer with SPF 15 may be enough to protect you every other day, when you’re going to be on the slopes all day you should still put on additional protection with a higher SPF (here’s looking at you, 45).Same goes for your lips – SPF is essential! Basic chapstick has SPF in it; keep one in your pocket so you can reapply frequently. While most makeup is a waste on the slopes being so bundled up (and the cold and exercise will give you a natural flush making blush more or less superfluous), the glamazon may want to go ahead and add some lip shine on top of that.
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