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4 Beauty treatments for moms

Moms work hard. There’s never a time we’re not thinking of our kids, whether they’re babies or all grown up — so yes, we deserve a little pampering.
Here are four beauty treatments for which every mom should try to make time — and why.

Beauty treatment priorities


Always make time to use one product containing Retin-A/Retinol. Retin-A was introduced to treat acne more than 30 years ago. While the medication has always produced remarkable results fighting acne, it offers a natural form of vitamin A — and patients noticed significant improvements in their overall facial appearance. Today, the medication is considered an anti-aging treatment for a variety of skin conditions. It helps improve texture, color and hyperpigmentation, reverses sun damage, minimizes fine lines and takes only 30 seconds to apply.


Botox is a five-minute procedure with no downtime that prevents deep frown lines from ever forming.

A toning procedure

Once a year, treat your complexion to a toning procedure such as the Genesis laser. This treatment achieves vibrant, even skin tone and smooth texture. Light penetrates deeply into the skin where collagen is manufactured, stimulating an increase in new collagen production. Unlike harsher methods, this is done without destroying the upper layers of skin (non-ablative).

The Laser Genesis procedure safely and effectively treats scars, uneven textures, fine wrinkles and large pores. The result is skin with smoother texture and a healthier appearance. The skin is gently warmed during this procedure, and daily activities may be resumed right away. This is truly a rejuvenating experience with no downtime.


Sunscreen is a given — and a must every day.

More mom-friendly beauty ideas:

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