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The Hunger Games: Steal Katniss’ style

Katniss Everdeen, the heroic young protagonist in The Hunger Games, was more worried about providing food for her mother and sister than worrying about her fashion choices. However, she’s become one of our style icons with her simple — yet powerful — looks that gives off a definite vibe of independence and strength. Want to snag some Katniss-inspired threads? Check out our picks.

Pre-Hunger Games life in District 12

Katniss Everdeen’s life in District 12 isn’t exactly easy. The poverty among the residents is obvious in this post-Apocalyptic society, and the talented archery expert spends much of her time hunting for food. In other words, girlfriend doesn’t worry too much about her clothes.

Still, Katniss’ badass attitude about well, pretty much everything, makes us want to copy her style. Luckily, pretty much everyone can pull off her earth-toned look with a few basics. Start off the style with a Tri-blend raglan tee from the Gap in black ($20) and match it with some brown hue double-knit leggings from Nordstrom ($38). Finish it off with some knee-high brown riding boots like these from Frye ($348) and a functional brown leather coat from Rag & Bone, now $523 from

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The Reaping

We always kind of imagined that The Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins modeled her dystopian Panem society after a pre-Industrial Revolution U.S. — save for the glitzy Capitol, of course. As a result, Katniss’ clothes are very much like the ones pioneers wore, like the prairie-inspired dress she wore at The Reaping.

Love the simplicity, but don’t want to look like you’re on your way to churn butter in the barn? Try this vintage-inspired (& polka-dotted!) prairie dress from Skinny B*tch Apparel ($51). Too sexy for your tastes? This red prairie dress from Etsy adds a pop of color with a subtler, yet sexy, look for the right price ($27).

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Inside the Arena

During the actual Hunger Games, Katniss has a bit more to worry about than her clothes and style — staying alive, for example. Her clothes inside the Arena do serve a purpose, though: They help her stay warm while camouflaging her from the other tributes.

Katniss’ Arena look is perfect for those days when you feel like taking over the world with your bad self, without all the unnecessary killing, of course. Copy the look by snagging a solid elbow sleeve tee from Gap (in black, of course) for $23. Add skinny olive cargo pants from Miss Sixty ($65), combat boots from Volatile ($50) and the Keira leather jacket from Lucky ($299) for an outfit that Katniss herself would love.

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How would you wear Katniss Everdeen’s clothes from The Hunger Games?

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Photos courtesy Lionsgate

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