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DIY fragrance made with vodka

Perfume can be pricey, but when you make your own fragrance, not only can you customize it to suit your tastes, but you’ll spend much less money on a great scent. All you need are a few ingredients and a bit of time to make a DIY fragrance made with vodka.

For this fragrance, we used eucalyptus, orange and lemon essential oils for a bright, citrusy scent — perfect for the winter or summer months! Before using the fragrance, test it on the pulse points on your wrists to help ensure you can tolerate its use. Properly stored in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, your fragrance will last for about a month.

If you are pregnant, you should not use essential oils. For facts and safety information related to essential oils and aromatherapy, visit the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.

DIY fragrance made with vodka


  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 3 types essential oil, 25 drops total
  • Glycerin (5 drops)
  • 3 tablespoons vodka
  • Large glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
  • Dropper or baster
  • Measuring cup with spout
  • Perfume bottle


  1. Pick a combination of three different essential oils that you enjoy and that work well together. For this fragrance, we used 10 drops of orange essential oil, 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and five drops of lemon essential oil.
  2. Use the measuring cup and add two cups of distilled water to a large glass jar. Add three tablespoons of vodka to the water. Next add five drops of glycerin to the mix.
  3. Add your essential oils to the mixture. Stir the mixture. Add a few more drops of your preferred essential oil, as desired. Mix well and add the tight-fitting lid to the jar.
  4. Place the jar containing the fragrance in a cool, dark spot for at least 12 hours. After 12 hours, shake the contents to mix it. Use a dropper or baster to add the mixture to a perfume bottle, and enjoy!

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