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Kim Kardashian’s vampire facial looks way painful

Beauty can be bloody and painful — just ask Kim Kardashian!

Kim Kardashian is willing to endure pain to get a youthful glow.

The pregnant reality star went through a so-called “vampire facial” on Sunday night’s episode of Kourtney and Kim Take Miami.

“I love trying anything that makes you look and feel youthful,” Kardashian told cameras.

It sounds like a terrible procedure — and really, it is pretty horrifying. Basically, doctors draw blood from the patient’s arm and “spin” it to remove the platelets.

Then, “micro needles are used to perforate the skin with near microscopic holes. [Platelet rich plasma] is then applied topically to the skin following the micro-needling process,” Tom O’Brien, CEO of Eclipse Aesthetics, said of the procedure. “The growth factors in the PRP re-energize cells and boost collagen production, thus reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving the skin’s tone and texture.”

But… why?

“The platelet-rich plasma derived from the patient’s internal biology possesses increased concentrations of one’s own growth factors. These self-derived growth factors are powerful elements aiding in the battle for a more youthful appearance,” O’Brien added. “The new trend is to improve oneself with natural approaches and avoid those processes which are synthetic and possibly not healthy. Vampire Facial is the beginning of a new trend that is here to stay.”

The jury is still out whether or not Kardashian liked the results. One thing we do know, judging from her screams and tears: It hurt!

“Oh my God. I will never get a face-lift if it feels like that,” she said.

Tell us

Would you ever get a vampire facial? Sound off in the comments below!

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Photo: Brian To/

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