Bangs are a hot hair trend right now… just ask Kim Kardashian and Michelle Obama, who both recently got them.
If you want to try wearing bangs without committing to the cut, a clip-in bang piece is a great alternative. Check out our step-by-step guide on how to get the fringe look yourself.
“Clip-on bangs are the best way to instantly change your look,” says celebrity hairstylist and NYC salon owner Angelo David. We used a custom clip-in piece from his Angelo David Couture bangs line for this shoot, but Angelo says Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves’ Hairdo line also offers a good alternative.
Prepare a good foundation for the clips to hold onto by using hairspray on the front section of your hair. (Black 15 in 1 Miracle Finishing Hair Spray works on both real and synthetic hair.)
Part hair in the middle and then pull the front of the hair back. Secure with a bobby pin if needed.
Clip the bangs in, securing them as close to the front of the hairline as possible.
Begin cutting and shaping the bangs according to your face shape.
Feel free to add texture by doing a blunt cut or making them wispy.
Blow out hair to finish, using a round brush to smooth hair.
Final look
If you decide to actually cut bangs, Angelo recommends asking your stylist to also cut layers around your face, which will make it easier to grow your bangs out when you’re ready to change your look again.
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