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Breaking Bad return: What to know GIF style

The Breaking Bad storyline doesn’t give it to you easy. It never has, but don’t worry. We’re here to help you catch up or review before the show returns with some helpful GIF action along the way.

Man, time flies. Unless you’re a Breaking Bad fan, that is. Then you know what it is to suffer. The show went on break mid-season last summer, splitting its final Season 5 into two parts. Now the time has finally come for the crystal meth madness to come to a close. To get you in the spirit, we’re catching you up with highlights from before the show took its yearlong break.

1. Walt bought a machine gun

2. Hank is on to Walt

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3. Walt got a cancer scan. Is it back?

4. Lydia has gone from wild child to chill drug distributor

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5. Todd fills Jesse’s shoes, kinda

6. Gus’ and Hector’s deaths ensured Walt was the only drug lord in town

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7. Walt thinks he’s off to a quieter life

8. Skyler shows Walt a storage unit of cash as a way to get out

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9. Jesse is back on Walt’s side… right?

10. Walt is past being redeemable

Images courtesy of AMC

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