The actress is expecting her first child with actor husband Jamie Bell, and she has been having some very strange cravings during the final stages of her pregnancy.
Evan Rachel Wood is a first time mom-to-be and during the final stages of her pregnancy with the Billy Elliot star Jamie Bell, she has been craving cannabis!
The couple, who got together again in 2011 after initially being broken up for more than five years, have matching tattoos of each other’s initials, which they got inked shortly after they met.
They got married in October 2012 and announced in January 2013 that they were looking forward to their first child.
The Thirteen actress who was previously engaged to Marilyn Manson, has been reported to be craving several strange and fattening foods during her pregnancy. She has been trying to curb her cravings for cannabis by stocking up on peanut butter Pop Tarts.
Having recently tweeted, “Whoa. Whoa. Peanut butter pop tarts?! Of course, because I cant smoke any weed right now. Damnit! (sic)”
The actress’ fans did not appear to be surprised by the tweet that mentioned her craving for weed, perhaps because she has been keeping her fans up to date during her pregnancy and candidly sharing her multiple bizarre cravings.
She has also tweeted, “Sometimes your diet goes to hell and you have pigs in a blanket and a pizza.”
Her Twitter followers have been ever supportive, with one fan writing back to the actress, saying, ‘”What diet?! You look great, plus you’re pregnant … have at it! (sic)'” to which Evan responded to her follower, “You gotta have your naughty days. 😉 / not a “lose weight” diet. Just a healthy diet.”
Stick to craving those peanut butter Pop Tarts, Evan!
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