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Simon Cowell knocked up his best friend’s wife

Simon Cowell is expecting his first child — but his baby’s mama is still married to another man!

Simon Cowell isn’t exactly the settling down type, but his wild days are soon to be traded in for long nights changing diapers.

The X Factor star is expecting his first child with socialite Lauren Silverman, a woman who is still married to his longtime friend, real estate agent Andrew Silverman.

“She’s around 10 weeks along,” a source close to the situation told Us Weekly, adding that, “Lauren and Andrew have been unhappy in their marriage for some time, and their divorce has been in the works for a while.”

“As their marriage deteriorated, [Cowell and Silverman] became close.”

Although sources say the pair have been a couple for at least a year, the trio was spotted together on the music mogul’s yacht as recently as January, along with Cowell’s ex-fiancée Mezhgan Hussainy. Last December, Cowell said he was dating Carmen Electra.

Despite the fact that she is still married to another man, the mom-to-be is telling friends she wants to be Mrs. Cowell ASAP.

“Lauren loves Simon, she says that she wants to marry him,” a friend told the Daily Mail. “And with the baby, she’s going the right way about it! But I think this could be really good for Simon.”

But Cowell might feel quite differently. In 2009, when asked if he wanted children, he responded with an emphatic negative.

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“God, no. I couldn’t have children. If I had them here drawing on the walls I’d go nuts,” he told the Daily Mail.

“With kids, you’ve got a routine you can’t escape from. You’ve got to be up at a certain time. Got to listen. When all you want to do is sit in a corner thinking.”

He softened his attitude a bit by April of this year, when he told the Mail, “I haven’t ruled it out. If I knew I could be — how do I put this delicately — faithful, I would.”

“I do like kids, I’m just not sure I’d be any good for the first six months. I don’t think I’d adopt because I’d rather have my own. I’d have to say I’d like a little girl.”

He definitely has the money to handle a nanny for those first six months.

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