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INTERVIEW: How Catching Fire’s Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson got “crafty” between takes

SheKnows chatted with Jen and Chris and found out that surprisingly, neither actor did much preparation for the sequel. Read on to find out which actor admits to eating Cool Ranch Doritos.

When we asked how preparing for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire differed from preparing for the first film, Josh Hutcherson gave a very honest answer.

“I hate saying this, but I didn’t really do a whole lot of preparing for this, only because we’d done the first one and I kept my physicality in the same zone,” he said. “Really, the only preparation I did was talking with Francis [the director] about the character and where he’s going in this movie and that little bit of time that’s happened between the last movie and the beginning of this one. I did talk with a specialist of PTSD.”

Jennifer Lawrence said she pretty much did the same thing.

“They’re the same characters, they’re going through different things and they have changed. The preparation was pretty nil,” the Academy Award–winning actress admitted.

When we asked her what it was like filming the extremely dramatic scenes, Lawrence said, “Filming emotional scenes can be kind of draining. It’s kind of hard. There’s no way to relate to what this woman is going through. So you have to just kind of do what you can with empathy and understanding. So I just tried to think and then do.”

How to train for The Hunger Games >>

We also asked what the stars did for fun when they had a free minute during filming. Eating and sleeping were Josh’s top two things to do.

But Lawrence said, “We watched TV, and when we were in Hawaii, we went swimming. But normally, we’d meet at ‘crafty.'”

Hutcherson agreed.

“We’d meet at craft services and get some Cool Ranch Doritos,” he said.

Lawrence revealed that she’d eat cinnamon buns.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire opens Nov. 22.

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