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25 TV issues we must agree on before getting married


The real DC: Scandal or The West Wing?


How do you react to a transfer to Baltimore?

a) Yes! Charm City Cakes!
b) What?! No, thanks. Let’s just stay here and watch The Wire.

10 Gay TV couples we want to see get hitched >>


Emily VanCamp:  Revenge, Brothers & Sisters or Everwood?


Best love story: Boy Meets World or Saved by the Bell?


On a scale of one to Charlie Sheen,
how crazy is Rick Grimes?


Football season: Watch all the games,
watch the home team or watch The CW?


Best guest on American Horror Story. Go!


The Winter Olympics: Yes! or Ugh.


The Summer Olympics: Yes! or… Yes!


In the case of Conan vs. Leno, where did you stand?


Present-day Saturday Night Live:

Do you absolutely love it, hate it with the fires of a thousand Hells
or think it’s decent enough entertainment after an evening of drinking?


The fairy-tale resurgence: Grimm,
Once Upon a Time
or “Seriously, how old are we?


And, finally, for all the money:

Name three TV shows whose reruns you’ll never tire of watching.
Here’s why: At some point, you’re going to be home sick together for a few days,
and you’ll start itching to curl up on the couch with your favorite characters.
If you can’t agree on at least one comfort show, prepare to be miserable.


Got all those figured out? Perfect! Now… time to talk about the radio presets for your future minivan.

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