The team gets help from Ward’s former S.O. to help save Skye, but Coulson discovers some troubling truths about himself and S.H.I.E.L.D. along the way.
When last we saw the team from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., they had tracked the elusive Quinn to a delivery on a train and found themselves split up as the job went more and more awry. When all was said and done, Skye got a face-to-face with Quinn that ended with him shooting her twice in the abdomen.
Missed the last episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Here’s a recap >>
The next episode, called “T.A.H.I.T.I.,” airs on Tuesday, March 4, and the official synopsis from ABC says, “Coulson goes on the attack to save Skye — enlisting the aid of Ward’s former S.O. John Garrett (Bill Paxton) — and uncovers shocking truths about his own life and S.H.I.E.L.D.”
From that we know that there will probably not be a significant jump in time from the ending of the last episode. Skye hasn’t miraculously been healed of her injuries and it actually sounds as though she is in even worse shape than before.
Coulson has become attached to all of the members of his team and seems to hold a special place in his heart for Skye, probably because of everything she has been through. It’s no wonder that he’s taking her condition so hard and probably blaming himself for what happened.
Should Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s Ward be with Skye or May? >>
One thing that is interesting to note is that Coulson and the rest of the team won’t just be sitting around waiting for doctors to help Skye. They are literally going to be fighting to save her.
They’re also going to be enlisting the help of Ward’s former S.O., which could make things very interesting. Will there be some sort of conflict between Garrett and Coulson?
Coulson’s efforts to help Skye will lead him to an unusual place. Considering how many shocking truths he’s already discovered about himself, it’s tough to think how many more there could be out there. What will he find out this time?
Not only will Coulson find out more about himself, he’s also going to discover more about S.H.I.E.L.D. Those are the secrets that could probably get him into even more trouble. Will he find out things that will make him want to quit working for such an organization?
All in all, it sounds like the next episode is going to carry on the intensity from the last few episodes. Will the team be able to save Skye? Will Coulson’s discoveries put himself and his “family” in more danger?
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