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Lindsay Lohan takes her HIMYM rage out on a car

Is Lindsay Lohan a How I Met Your Mother superfan? This NSFW video makes it seem so. Watch LiLo use a sledgehammer to channel her finale rage on a nearby car.
The above video featuring Lindsay Lohan smashing a car may or may not have been staged with some quirky, well-timed quotes, but that doesn’t really detract from its awesomeness.

The actress told “Billy on the Street” host, Billy Eichner, that she isn’t happy that How I Met Your Mother is about to end because, “It’s actually my favorite show.”

After Eichner and Lohan expressed their distress at the upcoming HIMYM series finale, which airs March 31 after a nine-season run, the two grabbed some sledgehammers and went to town on a car that had been decorated with catchphrases and images of the actors from the show.

Not even the promise of a surprise ending to the show could sway these two from their demolition-desiring hearts. And while they were both looking forward to the in-the-works spinoff, How I Met Your Dad, they lamented that the hashtag “#HIMYM” will soon be useless.

Some of the best Lohan one-liners include:

  • “I should have done this to Herbie [Fully Loaded] when he abandoned me.”
  • “F*** you, Jason Segel; I’m tired of seeing your penis in every movie.”
  • “I’ve worked with Lily Tomlin,” which turns into her sledgehammer-throwing mantra toward the end.
While Lohan is by far the most fun to watch as she slams down some windows, Eichner has the best lines during the rant:
  • Referring to he and Lohan, “We both have freckles in places we’d rather not have them.”
  • “Neil Patrick Harris, take that, you award-show a**hole!”
  • “Alyson Hannigan is the only person I can relate to!”
  • “Oh yeah, Josh Radnor’s doing indie movies now. See you at Sundance, motherf***er.”
  • “You made Lindsay Lohan upset!” to which she responded while smashing, “Yeah, I’m pissed.”

For the entirety of the amazing insults, watch the video above.

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