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VIDEO: Kendra Wilkinson on farts, pregnancy and her lack of intercourse

Instead of giving the glamorized version of pregnancy, Kendra Wilkinson gets real and tells everyone what it’s really like.

It’s hard work being a mom and it’s even harder work being a pregnant mom. Just ask Kendra Wilkinson, who is ready to give birth to her second child soon.

She shared on her People blog, “I’m in my third trimester and am feeling every little bit of it. I’m round, tired, grouchy, smelly and horny.”

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This time around, the former Playboy star is expecting a girl with her husband, former athlete Hank Baskett. It hasn’t been easy for them as a couple during this pregnancy.

The 28-year-old reality star wrote, “The sex is lacking this pregnancy. I love my man and sex, but sometimes I feel Hank is not attracted to me… When I cough, I either fart, pee or cramp.”

While that might be too much information for some, she’s giving a realistic look at pregnancy, not the Hollywood version. She’s also addressing the weight-gain issue as well.

“I gained about 60 pounds when I was preggers with Lil Hank and I’m desperately trying not to do the same with our daughter,” Wilkinson wrote. “I also have bad hypothyroidism so I have to be careful this time around.”

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Even though she looks beautiful in her pregnancy photos, the former Girls Next Door star shared the one body part she hates right now.

She explained, “The one new thing I discovered about myself is that I hate my boobs. They’re annoying. They’re in my way. They’re bigger. I am seriously contemplating taking them down a size after pregnancy!”

The good news is that Baskett is doing a terrific job at supporting his wife in her final months of pregnancy.

“I honestly could not have made it to this point in the pregnancy feeling as good as I do without Hank,” she summed up. “He has been an amazing and supportive husband.”

The couple have one son, Hank IV, 4, and their daughter is due sometime in May.

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