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INTERVIEW: The Blacklist‘s Megan Boone “got lucky” working with James Spader

Did you catch the amazing season finale for The Blacklist? Liz and Red were awesome together! Sounds like it’s an off-screen thing, too.

Photo credit: NBC

You made it through The Blacklist‘s Season 1 finale. Are you breathing again yet? If you love the show as much as we do, you’re no doubt counting the days until the Season 2 premiere. You’ve spent the entire season watching as Liz and Red bounced off each other: first as enemies, then as accomplices. You’ve also no doubt believed all along that Red was most likely Liz’s father despite his inability to come out and say so. Despite the fact that Red once again refused to share the info with Liz, your beliefs were confirmed by the burns all over Red’s back at the very end of the finale. Despite sensing that all along, we still totally gasped.

Megan Boone chats about the action-packed season finale >>

With such an interesting on-screen relationship, we wondered how Megan Boone (Liz) and James Spader (Red) got along together. Do they get along? What’s Spader like in person? Luckily, we got our answers.

“We’ve gotten closer throughout the season,” Boone shared. “I’ve learned, as you do with co-workers, you learn more about the person so you can be of service to them more. And that was always important to me. I wanna be of service to James because I’m grateful for his presence.”

What a great way to look at the relationship between two co-stars. There would probably be a lot more hit shows if everyone treated their off-screen relationships the same way Boone does. She seems truly impressed by Spader, too. She expounded on her appreciation for him.

“I think he’s an incredible actor,” Boone said. “And I feel honored to be his co-star, I think anyone would be on a show like this. And I think that really is the driving force in my approach to our relationship.”

Sweet! The Blacklist is picked up for Season 2 >>

Just how much of a stand-up guy is Spader? It turns out he’s pretty freaking spectacular. Boone shared that Spader even takes time off-camera to get to know his co-star and offer up words of wisdom to the actress. She’s by no means an amateur, but she’s still newer to the business than Spader, and it sounds as if he’s sort of taken her under his wing.

“The lighter moments for me have been when he will come by my dressing room and just sit with me and talk to me about the life of being an actor,” Boone said. What do they talk about? “How it’s more important to be a good person than to be caught up in the artist’s mystique. You know, being an artist can make you think I can be any way I want to to my wife and any way I want to to my kids. And none of that matters, I can treat people around me the way I want because I’m a great artist. But he holds it very dear to him that it’s more important to be good to people, and that’s clear in the way he treats people on-set and the way he treats me.”

True story: We’re wishing we could hang out with Spader and let him impart some of that kindness and wisdom onto us. Boone is in an amazing and unique position to get to act alongside him and she recognizes that.

“I got lucky, guys. I feel like I got really lucky with him,” Boone said. “I feel like if he ends up being my co-star for years to come, I think that that would be a wonderful situation. It already has been. It’s been one of the most memorable experiences in my life so far this year on The Blacklist.”

We feel like we got pretty lucky, too. Between our time with Boone and the chance to see her and Spader on-screen together, we think karma seems to be smiling down on us. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for them in Season 2.

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