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Sailor Moon on Hulu: 10 Reasons to re-watch in your 20s

Let the preteen loose! Sailor Moon has returned better than ever thanks to Hulu, with all 200 digitally remastered episodes. And, duh, we’ll be watching.
Sailor Moon lives in legend for many of us ’90s kids. If you were like me, new episodes of Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network meant you were glued to the television growing up.

Now, a decade later, we can all be glued to our computers as Sailor Moon is released for streaming on Hulu, starting today. We’ll be re-watching, and we have a few reasons why you should, too — as if you need convincing.

1. Nostalgia, of course

We kids of the ’90s love our throwbacks, and Sailor Moon ranks right up there with The Power Rangers and Pokemon.

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2. Digitally remastered

All 200 episodes of the show have been digitally remastered for their online streaming introduction on Hulu.

3. The elusive Season 5: Sailor Stars

Episodes never before released in the U.S. will now be available thanks to streaming. Season 5, Sailor Stars, will be included in the streaming release.

4. Uncut English dub

The original series released in the U.S. received a lot of criticism for butchering certain plots and cutting what some considered key aspects of the show. In Hulu’s version, the text has been altered when necessary to alleviate this problem, according to

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5. Before Edward Cullen and Christian Grey there was Darien

Sailor Moon was made for a young adult audience before young adult fiction was even cool. The stories inspired a whole new genre of sci-fi romance popularity that has carried us through until today.

6. Sometimes you need a little cheese

Fall in love all over again with the Sailor Scouts. There is a character for every type of girl to relate to, no matter your age.

7. Released like new

Hulu is breaking away from typical binge streaming and only releasing two new episodes each Monday, until all 200 episodes are available. Bringing it to viewers in this format will make the series feel new again.

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8. Lesbian relationship included

In the original U.S. dubbed released of Sailor Moon from DiC, the company received criticism for altering the story line between two female characters, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, who have romantic chemistry and subtext in the traditional Japanese version. The new licensing company, Viz Media, has reportedly left in this subtle plot line for the new audience on Hulu.

9. Sailor Moon Crystal

26 new episodes, never before seen, will also been included in the Sailor Moon stream, according to Variety. This new season will be called Sailor Moon Crystal.

10. Get amped for the Blu-ray

As if all this news wasn’t exciting enough, the series will also be released on DVD/Blu-ray in the fall of 2014, following the stream on Hulu.

Will you be watching Sailor Moon on Hulu?

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