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Charlie Sheen rips Rihanna for blowing him off

Charlie Sheen is no fan of Rihanna after the singer totally blew him off at a restaurant.

Charlie Sheen won’t be standing under Rihanna’s umbrella anytime soon. The Anger Management star ripped the singer a new one on Twitter after she allegedly blew him off while eating at the same restaurant.

Sheen claims he was out to dinner celebrating his former porn star fiancée’s birthday when they heard Rihanna was in the house. As a treat for his beloved, Sheen asked Rihanna for a quick meet-and-greet — only to be completely shut down by the pop star.

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He explained via Tweet Longer:

I took my gal out to dinner
last night with her best
friends for her Bday.
we heard Rihanna was present as well.
I sent a request over to her table to introduce my fiancé
Scotty to her, as she is a
huge fan.

“(personally I couldn’t pick her out of a line-up at gunpoint)

“well, the word we received back was that there were too
many paps outside and it just wasn’t possible at this time.”
“At this time? AT THIS TIME??
lemme guess, we’re to reschedule another random
11 million to 1 encounter
with her some other night…?

“no biggie for me; it would have been 84 interminable seconds of chugging Draino and
‘please kill me now’
that I’d never get back.

“My Gal, however,
was NOT OK with it.
Nice impression you
left behind, Bday or not.
Sorry we’re not KOOL enough
to warrant a blessing from
the Princess.
(or in this case
the Village idiot)

“you see THIS is the reason
that I ALWAYS take the time.
THIS is why I’m in this thing
31 awesome years.
Good will and
common courtesy, carefully
established over time to exist radically in concert
with a code of gratitude!

“I guess ‘Talk That Talk’
was just a big ol lie from
a big ol liar.

“oh and Riahnna,
Halloween isn’t for a while.
but good on you for testing out your costume in public.
it’s close; a more muted pink might be the answer,
as in:

“See ya on the way down,
(we always do)
and actually,
it was a pleasure NOT
meeting you.
clearly we have NOTHING
in common when it comes
to respect for those who’ve
gone before you.
I’m guessing you needed those precious 84 seconds
to situate that bad wig
before you left the restaurant.

“Here’s a tip from a real vet
of this terrain;
If ya don’t wanna get bothered
and if this ‘Prison of Fame’
is soooooooo unnerving and
difficult, then QUIT, junior!

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Rihanna has not yet commented directly but did post this on her own Twitter feed shortly after Sheen’s rant broke.

Tell us: Are you Team Sheen or Team RiRi?

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