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REVIEW: Maroon 5 “Maps” out their next radio takeover

Maroon 5 is back and their new single, “Maps,” is sure to be the next big thing this summer. Are you properly prepared for another July consumed entirely by Levine and the gang?

You’re cool with Adam Levine, right? Because he’s not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, Levine and the rest of Maroon 5 just threw a brand-new single into the mix. “Maps” will surely end up overtaking radio waves this summer. Learn to love it… or start bringing your own music to the road trip.

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Maroon 5’s next album isn’t out until September, but they’ve already unleashed the first single, “Maps.” Pop-y and romantic, “Maps” is true to the Maroon 5 form. While no official music video has been released yet, we can already picture Levine strutting around on stage as he performs kind of like, you know, Mick Jagger.

Maroon 5 fans might notice just a hint of change in the musical stylings on this number, leaning ever-so-slightly toward the current dance-loving trend on Top 40 radio. While the boys could never stray too far from their alt-rock roots, they know where popular music is heading and they’re trying to subtly capitalize on it with just a hint of the club music vibe. This song will be remixed with a bass drop and way more synth within the week, we guarantee.

While the backing music may show a glimmer of change, the gist of the song doesn’t show much of a departure or any sort of growth from the band. Levine loves a good metaphor, as seen in “Stereo Hearts” and “Payphone.” This time, he’s all over the map metaphor, and while he certainly does it well, it’s becoming a bit trite. We get it, Adam. You know how to turn a phrase and have fun with analogies. Congratulations on knowing how to turn that skill into a successful pop song.

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We’re over it, and yet we love it. There’s just something about everything Maroon 5 does that keeps us locked on and ready to dance. By the end of this classic summer jam, we’re dealing with one powerhouse of a pop song, but it’s the very beginning of the song that captivates us so completely. The simple strumming and Levine’s signature countertenor vocal range will slice through even the muggiest summer day. The lyrics may suggested a badly ended relationship, but this track has us falling in love all over again with Maroon 5, whether we want to or not.

Well played, boys. Well played, indeed.

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