Melissa McCarthy‘s weight is nearly always a topic of conversation, but do you know why she doesn’t choose to eat healthier? Check out the funny star’s reasoning.
Melissa McCarthy is well aware that she could choose to eat healthier foods, but she also knows there’s no guarantee about how long any of us get to enjoy life’s best bits.
“I could eat healthier, I could drink less,” she admitted to Rolling Stone recently. “I should be learning another language and working out more, but I’m just always saying, ‘Ah, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.'”
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The happily married mom of two, who has become a smashing success with hits like Tammy and Bridesmaids, also has some rather interesting approaches to her craft. As a matter of fact, this 43-year-old star kicked off her career in comedy doing stand-up as a drag queen named Miss Y.
“I really dressed to rival a drag queen, for sure,” McCarthy recalled of taking the stage in the RuPaul heyday. “I had a gold lamé swing coat on, a huge wig, big eyelashes. I talked about being incredibly wealthy and beautiful and living extravagantly.”
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From there, McCarthy’s Rolling Stone interview only gets weirder. Describing how she lost awareness of what she was saying and even doing while improvising with Kristen Wiig for their Bridesmaids roles, the close friend of Sandra Bullock recalled how she began ranting about inter-species dolphin sex.
She thought to herself after the audition, “Sex with a dolphin? Handplay with a dolphin! You just could not have been any weirder.”
And yet this funny lady, who loves life and isn’t afraid to admit she’s prone to “going slightly nuts” at times, was Oscar-nominated for that very role a year later.
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