BBC released a new teaser and some new art for the upcoming season of Doctor Who. The Doctor returns on August 23, and we cannot wait.
Take a deep breath, Whovians, and get ready to freak the f*** out: We have a solid return date for Doctor Who. The Doctor and Clara will return to your television on August 23, following their first-ever world tour. There’s even a very small, very enigmatic teaser for the episode entitled “Deep Breath.”
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It’s been months since we’ve caught up with the Doctor and Clara and, admittedly, we’re getting a little anxious. We’re still not sold on Clara as a proper replacement companion after Amy and Rory. We’re worried we’ll never see River Song again. And, while we do adore Peter Capaldi, we’re not exactly swooning over him (yet) like we have for David Tennant and Matt Smith. We’re curious to see where this all goes, especially knowing that Gallifrey is still out there.. somewhere… in a pocket dimension, just waiting to be told it’s safe to return.
It’s a new Doctor, but we should probably expect the same enemies. After all, while he may have destroyed everyone trying to attack the town called Christmas, there are always more Daleks and Cybermen. Until they’re all gone, the Doctor’s home planet, friends and family must remain in hiding. After the Doctor was granted a whole new set of regenerations by the Time Lords (read: Moffatt), it could technically be many, many moons before we return to Gallifrey. Taking down your greatest enemy is easy when you can shoot Time Lord bolts of doom, but now that the Doctor’s regeneration has simmered down, he’ll be back to just his regular amount of alien coolness.
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After everything that’s happened and after seeing what some extra firepower can do, will this new Doctor change his stance on guns? As the new promo reveals, the Doctor is going through a bit of an identity crisis. Whether he decides he’s a good guy or a bad guy could greatly shift his stance on a lot of things.
We only have two more months of waiting until we can find out just where Peter Capaldi’s Doctor stands. We can’t wait for Doctor Who‘s August 23 return to BBC America.
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