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Emma Watson supports the women of Turkey by laughing

Turkish deputy prime minister Bulent Arinc made an asinine statement against women on Monday, and Emma Watson jumped in to join the peaceful campaign that is sending a loud and clear message against his sexism.

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Arinc made the outrageous claim in a speech earlier this week, saying that it isn’t considered proper for a woman to laugh out loud. “A man should be moral but women should be moral as well, they should know what is decent and what is not decent,” Arinc said, according to The Guardian. “She should not laugh loudly in front of all the world and should preserve her decency at all times.”

Considering laughter is one of the most natural things in the world, it’s not surprising that many people, including men, have taken issue with Arinc’s views. The speech has prompted an influx of women to post pictures of themselves publicly laughing on social media in protest.

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Watson jumped at the opportunity to stand up for her own sex, sharing a photo of herself doubled over in laughter and she’s… gasp… outside.

It’s no surprise the British actress felt moved by this particular cause. She was named Goodwill Ambassador to UN Women, an organization for the United Nations, in July. “Being asked to serve as UN Women’s Goodwill Ambassador is truly humbling,” she said at the time. “The chance to make a real difference is not an opportunity that everyone is given and is one I have no intention of taking lightly.”

Twitter is also exploding with Turkish women who are not afraid to make a statement against their own government and the posts are marked with the hashtag #direnkahkaha, which translates to “ignore him, laugh,” according to The Telegraph.
British songstress Kate Nash posted an Instgram video of herself and a friend in solidarity that made us laugh at loud. “Lol to the Turkish prime minister #direnkahkaha #direnkadin #bulenaric @paulatrounce and I shopping for sequins and lolling in public. OMG! #girlsrule,” the caption reads. Ashton Kutcher, who is expecting a daughter with Mila Kunis, took the time to post his opinion on the matter on his website as well.

Obviously Arinc going public with his opinion on female laughter backfired, because women all over the world are in hysterics in public now more than ever.

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