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Switched at Birth sneak peek: Daphne gives up, Bay steps up

Bay tries to make Emmett happy, Daphne continues her downward spiral and Toby tries to move up in the world on the next episode of Switched at Birth, “Girl on the Cliff.”

If you’ve been watching the ABC Family drama this summer, then you already know that Daphne has been in a really rough place ever since Angelo died. She’s already tried cocaine, taken part in vandalizing the East Riverside project and gotten drunk and kissed Travis on a Senior Ditch Day that she organized. Just when it seems like she can’t go any further down, she finds a new low. In the next episode, her new low involves giving up on her dream to become a doctor.

Miss the last episode of Switched at Birth? Here’s our review! >>

Check out the clip below to see how far Daphne has gone down now.
Unlike Daphne, Bay is slowly starting to get better after losing Angelo. Once she discovered that she wasn’t on the brink of death with a blood clot that could kill her at any second, she was able to relax a little bit and start to enjoy life. But she seems to be more interested in making Emmett happy than herself, as you will see in the clip below. Doing nice things for your boyfriend is great and all, but when is Bay going to do something she wants to do?

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Toby has been dealing with his own struggles ever since coming back from Iceland after he and his wife decided to split up. The trip seemed to do him some good as he came back with a new light in his eyes and a new purpose. The only trouble is that Toby quickly discovered it’s not as easy to make it as a DJ as he first thought. But in this clip you’ll see that Tank has a great idea that just might change Toby’s life (and his career) forever.

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Be sure to check out the next episode of Switched at Birth, airing on Monday, Aug. 11 at 8/7c on ABC Family.

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