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Muppets vs. Beastie Boys mashup? Now we’ve seen everything (VIDEO)

Remember the Swedish Chef, Animal and Beaker from the Muppets? They’ve decided to rap to the Beastie Boys and it’s a whole lot of fun. Check out this mashup video that may just rock your world.
It was 1993 and my cousin Dennis invited me to see the Beastie Boys live. I jumped at the chance. “Fight for Your Right” was an anthem in high school and the album Paul’s Boutique had blown my mind, helping me to understand what creative, progressive artists these musicians had become.

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I wore a cute little dress to the show. It was summertime and I was hoping for fun yet chill experience,hanging out, listening to one of my favorite bands. The next hour of my life was anything but chill, however.

Before I knew it, my cousin and I were in the mosh pit at the front of the stage with about 80 or so teenage boys moshing their hearts out. These Beastie Boy fans purposefully crashed their bodies into each other in a violent rage, producing bruises and possibly broken bones.

At the time, moshing was a socially acceptable way for young men to expel their demons, burn off all that extra testosterone and explore their aggressive nature. Moshing was a vestige of punk rock that made its way to suburbia and thrived. Needless to say, a mosh pit is no place for a 100-pound girl.

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I was terrified. I remember looking for an escape route. But I loved this band — I couldn’t just leave the show. I made my way over to a large security guard and stood in his shadow for the remainder of the set. I have no idea what songs were played or how the band interacted with the audience; I was simply in full survival mode.

After that experience, seeing the beloved Muppets take on this powerful anthem of teenage boy angst delights me to no end. Luckily, I can watch this without feeling like I’m going to die. Not sure exactly what the shamrocks and green berets are about, but OK, we’ll go with it.

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And, just because I’m feeling generous, here’s another mind-blowing mashup. This time it’s Rage Against the Machine vs. the classic Big Band swing tune “In the Mood.” You’re welcome.

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