Here’s the thing: We might be Americans, but we’re smart enough not to put too much stock in anything we read in the Mirror. However, when the Brit tabloid teased the possibility that Doctor Who‘s latest female star Jenna-Louise Coleman might be leaving, we had to investigate. While nothing has been confirmed, we’re starting to think there might be some truth to those rumors.
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Many Whovians have been underwhelmed by Coleman’s character from the very beginning. The actress is as sweet as can be, but her character just seems to lack something worth rooting for her. Upon first introduction, we were completely taken with Oswin/Soufflé Girl. Many even believed she might be the long-lost and regenerated version of the Doctor’s daughter because we met Oswin sitting in the exact same chair. When Oswin turned out to be Clara, Clara turned into a bit of a bumble. This, of course, is not Coleman’s fault. Anyone taking issue with Clara will most likely blame the bad taste in their mouths on showrunner Steven Moffatt. No matter who is to blame for the lackluster story lines that follow Clara, it looks like Coleman might be equally displeased with the direction her character has taken.
The Mirror‘s “source” explained the likely time frame for Coleman’s exit. “The conversations about Jenna’s exit have started, and a plan is in place which is being ironed out.”
While so far the BBC has yet to comment on the rumors, the latest press release and interview with Coleman seem to suggest that change is imminent. While Coleman was all niceties about working with new Doctor Peter Capaldi, she mentioned that her character Clara is having quite the difficult time getting used to the new regeneration of the Doctor.
“For Clara it unbalances her and throws everything up in the air. She has gone from feeling safe — in moments of danger the Doctor would catch her — and thinking she had it all sussed, then suddenly this new guy has come along who she can’t quite access in the same way,” Coleman said in the latest BBC press release. “He’s removed, he’s not as patient and he’s much more alien and enigmatic. It’s really hard for her. Her best friend is a changed person, and it is very difficult for her to accept that and move forward.”
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“She meets a man called Danny Pink — a teacher — who’s charming and lovely,” Coleman explained. “He’s that perfect boyfriend, really, and is very supportive, but he doesn’t know anything about this double life she lives. She tries to hide it from him while at the same time falling in love. She becomes very torn between the two. It’s almost as if she’s having an affair without having an affair, but the lying becomes more and more. Basically she’s trying to manage the two, and have these two men in her life. It becomes quite a hurtful thing and quite a hard thing for her because she’s totally torn between the two, and trying to have both at once without being able to do it successfully.”
It sounds as if Clara might have a major life decision on her hands. Whovians will remember when Rose was in a similar situation, caught between the Doctor and Mickey. Rose chose her Doctor, obviously. But with everything Clara has been through with her Doctor, is it possible she’ll choose the love of a human boy instead? If the Mirror is right, Clara could make her final decision by the always-special Christmas episode of Doctor Who.
Would you be sorry to see her go? Tell us in the comments below.
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