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GIFS: 7 Times Nicki Minaj’s ‘Anaconda’ video is deeply disturbing

We knew we were in trouble when bad girl rapper Nicki Minaj remixed Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.” We’d be naive to think Minaj wouldn’t push the envelope in a video about big butts. True to form, Minaj pushes the boundaries of “too far” — and here are the GIFs and video to prove it (be warned — NSFW).

Just when we thought Miley Cyrus had worn out twerking’s welcome, and we were once again a nation free of jiggling asses, Minaj opens her “Anaconda” video with this little beauty.

We don’t know about you, but it’s been a while since we wore a string thong to exercise class with our ba-dunk-a-dunk exposed.

This move is fine — if you are looking for ways to improve your lap dances.

Speaking of lap dances, Drake gets in on the ass-tastic fun and gets special attention from Minaj’s booty.

The floor bounce is an exercise? What muscle does this move tighten and tone? It looks more like something we do at the end of a long day when we’ve just given up.

Would it be a Nicki Minaj video without some extreme girl-on-girl action?

And we do mean extreme. Hello! Butt bongos, anyone? Just as a side note, how does this girl write this on her résumé? “Let Nicki Minaj work my ass over in her ‘Anaconda’ video”?

All GIFs via

In case you can’t get enough of Minaj’s backside, here’s the video in its entirety. What do you think?

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