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Matt Damon uses toilet water for ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Matt Damon is jumping on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge bandwagon. But the outspoken conservationist isn’t going with the traditional and wasteful route. Instead, he’s using toilet water.

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Damon said he was challenged by Ben Affleck and Jimmy Kimmel, but struggled with whether or not to complete the challenge. “It posed kind of a problem for me, not only because there’s a drought here in California, but I co-founded and we envision a day when everybody has access to a clean drink of water.”

Though Damon did admit it was a bit of a challenge in itself to collect enough water from all the toilets in his home, he felt it was important to make the statement. is a non-profit organization that, according to the website, has provided access to water and safe sanitation in hundreds of communities in Africa, South Asia and Central America.

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“For those of you, like my wife, who think this is really disgusting, keep in mind that the water in our toilets in the West is actually cleaner than the water that most people in the developing world have access to,” Damon said, as he used plastic Tupperware to scoop water out of one of the toilets in his house.

“As disgusting as this may seem, hopefully it will highlight the fact that this is a big problem and together we can do something about it,” Damon said before dumping the toilet water over his head.

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Damon capped off the video by challenging some of his favorites, “George Clooney, my favorite actor; Bono, my favorite musician; and Tom Brady, the greatest quarterback of all time. Go get ’em and good luck.”

Now, Clooney completing the challenge is a video we would definitely watch.

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