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SPOILERS: One Reign character is naked a lot this fall

Don’t worry, Reign isn’t toning down its sensual statements into Season 2.

“I spent a lot of the first three episodes naked,” Adelaide Kane, who stars as Queen Mary, told us during an interview.

If you’ll remember from last season, the show had numerous controversial sex scenes, including a masturbation scene in the premiere episode and a sex scene that was too hot for TV. The CW posted a director’s cut online.

Reign EP talks historical inaccuracies on the show >>

In fact, Kane said one of her favorite parts of the show is that it depicts all types of sexual relationships, including and especially between Mary and Francis. Despite how young they are, the two are discovering marriage with one another, which includes a healthy sex life.

“I think if they ever stop having sex and sharing a bed, there is trouble on the horizon,” Kane said.

Executive producer Laurie McCarthy wholeheartedly confirmed, “Yup.”

“What have you done?” Kane asked with a horrified look, reading into the tone of McCarthy’s response. Uh-oh! Is there trouble on the horizon for the newlyweds?

It’s sure to be a difficult marriage, especially since Francis has a son from Mary’s best friend Lola. That storyline will factor heavily into Season 2. Kane said that while Mary does still maintain love for Lola, the situation is “awkward and uncomfortable.”

The baby “becomes an unspoken pressure for Mary as she fails to conceive,” Kane explained.

Show announcement: Everything we first learned about Reign >>

“It has larger ramifications,” McCarthy agreed. “It is going to pull Mary and Francis apart.”

Mary and Francis will be far from the only relationship of the season. Last season’s surprise couple Bash and Kenna will also be settling into the married life, which will have its hurdles, of course. McCarthy explained that Bash will align himself closely with Francis in the new season, but Kenna’s headstrong ways may pose some problems for him.

Even Catherine will be getting in on the love action this year. She’s single and ready to mingle now that the king is dead. Expect Catherine to find a lover this season, according to McCarthy.

There will also be two new men to mingle and almost certainly cause mischief. Kane called the newcomers “gratuitous man candy,” and no one is complaining.

Remember that time Bash and Mary finally kissed? >>

Louis Conde (Sean Teale) is the king’s cousin and will come to Lola and Francis’ aid as they try to make it back to the castle in the first episode with the plague outbreak all around.

On the other hand, Narcisse (Craig Parker) is introduced as a potential villain this season, though things may not be as they seem.

“They [Narcisse and Conde] are really going to be the face of the conflict we’re seeing,” McCarthy said of their entrance into the show.

She said the focus of the storyline will be more on life outside the castle this season. The show will also begin to tackle the religious pressures of the time.

Though Francis and Mary are going to approach ruling with the best intentions, “they are going to be seen as weak because they’re compassionate,” Kane said.

But don’t worry. We think Mary can handle it. Kane promised, “Mary’s getting her little manipulation cap on.”

Season 2 of Reign premieres Thursday on The CW.

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