If you’ve ever needed proof of just how awesome kids are and how much talent Nicki Minaj lacks, we’ve found it all in one video. This dancing teeny bopper makes us scream, “Get it, girl!”
GIFs: 7 Times “Anaconda” was deeply disturbing
Not all kids are super talented. Every day, hundreds of new videos pop up on the internet showcasing some mother or father’s pride in their child’s “talent.” Most videos are sent to their Facebook walls and the only people forced to comment on adorable Katie’s “insane” skill or “utter cuteness” are the the parents’ friends. Sometimes, though, a video finds its way in front of a bigger audience and, occasionally, that video is impressive enough to warrant some actual praise. This happens to be one of those times.
Enter 11-year-old Taylor Katala from Edmonton’s Kore Dance Studio in Canada. The routine was choreographed by Katala’s instructor, Laurence Kaiwai, and it’s spot on for the song. The real fun, though, is in the tween’s execution of the moves. Katala lets loose with the kind of abandon you’d expect from a kid who is truly just having fun. But, her facial expression and skill prove she’s in it to win it… whatever it is.
Ellen’s version of “Anaconda” is our favorite, though >>
Our opinion? “It” should be the chance to hop on stage and dance with Minaj… or, at least, nab a spot in her next music video. While Minaj is all duck face and booty shaking, Katala shows heart, passion and overwhelming skill. You know, Ellen DeGeneres is constantly pulling young internet sensations onto her show. If you remember, Sophia Grace and Rosie actually got their start by singing Minaj’s “Super Bass.” That may have been adorable, but Katala’s talent is just plain jaw-dropping. Even if, ya know, the song content seems a little questionable for a tween. Still, check out the minute-long video.
Is this kid awesome or what?
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