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Nashville Season 3 premiere: Who knocked up Juliette?

Just when we thought Juliette Barnes was starting to get her act together, she self-imploded at the close of last season, cheating on Avery with sleazy record exec Jeff Fordham. And now, lo and behold, she’s pregnant.

Juliette’s story line started on last night’s Season 3 premiere much the way we left it: with Juliette begging Avery for forgiveness and asking him where they stand.

And, just like last season, Avery just obliterates our hearts by wearing his broken one on his sleeve.

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Plus, you know, he looks to have been partaking of the old binge-drinking breakup ritual, so he’s particularly raw when Juliette barges into his apartment at the crack of dawn. He tearfully tells her, “I’m not trying to be mean, but right now I can’t stand the sight of you.”


Devastated, Juliette heads to her much-anticipated audition for the Patsy Cline biopic — the role she was born to play, according to her manager Glenn — a hot mess, and ends up crying her way through the song (but still sounds ah-mazing).

She’s mid-mental breakdown in the bathroom, hacking her hair with kitchen scissors à la Miranda Lambert’s “Mama’s Broken Heart,” when she gets the news she got the part.

She gets a hairstylist to fix the damage she did with the scissors, a doctor swings by to check on her since she hadn’t been feeling well, and all seems right with her world… until the doctor pulls her aside and drops the baby bomb.

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We weren’t exactly shocked. We already knew that the show had opted to write Hayden Panettiere‘s real-life pregnancy with fiancé Wladimir Klitschko into the story line this season.

What does intrigue us, though, is who they’ll end up penciling in as Juliette’s baby daddy. The contenders?

Avery Barkley, the ex

This might seem like the too-obvious choice, but hear us out. This would make for one of those impossibly complicated situations. She loves him, he loves her, but can he ever trust her again? Would he put aside his anger and try to make a go of a family? Or would we have to suffer through even more gut-wrenching scenes where he wrestles with his joy over the baby and his love for Juliette while trying to maintain his distance? Either way, it’ll make for some good TV.

Jeff Fordham, the dirty little not-so-secret

This seems like the more likely scenario, since it would lead to Juliette having to make some seriously difficult decisions. And it would probably put the final nail in the coffin for Juliette and Avery. However, it would also give Avery the opportunity to be there for her when Jeff acts like a total dillhole (which we all know he will).

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If Jeff does go the way of the dillhole — which, let’s be honest, is almost guaranteed — he’ll pull some crazy power play and try to use the unborn child as a pawn to manipulate Juliette. Or perhaps becoming a father will make him realize the error of his ways, and he’ll become a better man. But we’re not holding our breath for the latter to come true.

Charlie Wentworth, the billionaire affair

If the writers wanted to really, really, really throw everyone for a loop, they might just pull out a shocker in the form of Juliette’s former bed buddy, Charlie Wentworth. Since it’s impossible to tell how much times goes by in the characters’ lives, it’s not completely ludicrous to think that the timing would work out. After all, Juliette was still hooking up with Charlie when she and Avery first started spending time together. Plus, as you well remember, Charlie popped back into the picture at the end of last season, when Juliette called on him for a favor — and when Avery told him to take a hike. While the implication is that the visit between Juliette and Charlie was totally platonic, you never know with Juliette Barnes.

Who do you think will be the father of Juliette’s baby? Tell us in the comments below whether you’re rooting for Avery, Jeff or Charlie.

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