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Andy Samberg spiels 5-second movie summaries (VIDEO)

Andy Samberg reminded all of us just how hilarious he is during his recent interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show.

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In Fallon’s usual fashion, he sets up a fun little game for the two to play. On this episode, it was all about five-second summaries. The rules of the game are simple: Samberg has five seconds to describe the plot of the movie on the card he draws without using any actors’ names or words from the title. Based on his summary, Fallon will attempt to guess the film.

“And what are we playing for?” Samberg asks before the round begins.

Fallon looks a little dumbstruck at first, before finally coming up with, “Uh, 10 Sambergers.”

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Samberg is all for it, “I think I could probably get a good deal.”

Samberg’s first film is You’ve Got Mail, which Fallon incorrectly guesses as Basic Instinct. Samberg quickly tells Fallon that if he had been given Basic Instinct, he simply would have spread his legs for the clue.

After a round of that, Fallon gives Samberg even more of a challenge that has the comedian a little skeptical.

“If I was anymore on edge, I’d be Bono,” Samberg tells Fallon when Fallon explains that they are now decreasing the time of the game to three seconds, instead of five, to keep people “on edge.”

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Surprisingly, once the two got their accents on, they were on a roll with guessing the films correctly. Looks like all you need is three seconds if your Arnold Schwarzenegger and Nicolas Cage impersonations are good enough.

Samberg and Fallon have so much fun bantering back and forth while playing the game, their laughing is enough to make you smile and giggle along. Pair that with the awesome movie descriptions and this video will definitely brighten your day. Watch the full segment below.

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