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Shonda Rhimes has no fond memories of Katherine Heigl

Come on, Shonda Rhimes. Haven’t you ever heard that old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”

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Rhimes did an interview recently with the Hollywood Reporter — which calls her “TV’s savior” — and while a lot of hot topics came up, what Rhimes had to say about former Grey’s Anatomy star, Katherine Heigl, is far from nice. The two are officially feuding and the gloves are off. Way off.

In her interview, Rhimes talks about the lessons she learned while working with Heigl on the set of Grey’s Anatomy, where the up-and-coming star, then in her early 20s, was famously difficult. Now, in terms of working on the hit drama, Scandal, Rhimes says she has a “no assholes” policy.

“There are no Heigls in this situation,” she said. “I don’t put up with bulls*** or nasty people. I don’t have time for it.” Yikes!

Heigl and Rhimes have had a history of butting heads since Heigl got her big break on Grey’s, one of Rhimes’ most successful projects.

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But Heigl left the show in 2010 amid plenty of scandal. According to Entertainment Weekly, she took a break from Grey’s Anatomy to film a movie and was expected to return to the show — and then she just never showed up for work.

It was far from the first time Heigl caused controversy for Grey’s. In 2007, she took some flak for publicly dissing costar, Isaiah Washington, for his use of racial slurs. In 2008, she made her boldest move and dissed Grey’s Anatomy hard by withdrawing from Emmy consideration, saying she “did not feel I was given the material… to warrant a nomination.”

Just before she left the show, Heigl made appearances on talk shows saying the conditions onset at Grey’s Anatomy were “cruel and mean” — she claimed cast members were forced to work for 17 hours at a time.

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The bottom line? Heigl and Rhimes have a long history of publicly dissing one another and time apart has clearly not made their relationship any better.

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